Our Point of Difference

Free Consultation

Every business gets a free digital consultation + opportunities document audited by experts from each digital channel.

You Choose

Based on the free consultation and recommendations, you decide which services you would want to pay.

Third Party Audit

Your work will be actioned by a member of FYM and audited by a different member who proofs work done.



Our Exclusive Services


Get a free consultation to find the products your website needs to improve its organic presence on Google.

Custom Product

Cannot find a marketing product? Fill out a form with your requirements and we'll get back to you with a quote.


Use the free consultation to find the best suited PPC strategy and product for your business.

E-commerce Setup

Need help setting up an e-commerce store? Get a Shopify specialist to set it up for you using your inventory data.

Digital Strategy

Get marketing experts to create a marketing strategy for your business using competitor insights.

New Business Idea?

Need help converting a business idea go digital? Send over your concept and our team will help you bring your vision to life.

About Us

Creating a digital marketing community that wants to help Australian small businesses

Our mission is to create a digital marketing community that believes in helping small businesses that lack the resources of a multinational. Every day, Australian digital marketers come across new ideas and develop strategies for big organisations to help them increase their revenue and make a difference. We are hoping to introduce these marketers to the struggling small businesses.

Our idea was launched in August 2018 when a few friends banded together to help not for profit organisations using our digital marketing skills. Not many reached out to us back then but we didn't really get much traction as we were all working towards a different personal goal. FYM is needed more now than ever before. We hope to help Australia go digital and recover quicker from this economic downturn. With Tuana's inclusion to this mission, we fast tracked our planning and outreach. For more about our mission and purpose, click on the link below ..

Team Member

Our Team Members

John Doe

Senior Product Designer

Mumtahina Rio

Senior Web Designer

Rohil Jhon

UI/UX Designer

PoLiva Roco

Graphics Designer

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